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Articles & Research

A survey on homeopathy awareness and usage in Canada conducted by Harris Interactive and presented by the Coalition pour l’homéopathie au Québec (CPHQ) and the Canadian Coalition for Homeopathy (CCFH) has been published. 

The results of this significant initative can be read  in both English and French 

 What is homeopathy and can it fit into your regimen? 

An article by Karen Robock

An article entitled “What if we talked about homeopathy… ” and signed by two expertsChristiane Laberge, MD, family physician, communicator and health speaker and, in research collaboration, Rachel Roberts, CEO of the Homeopathy Research Institute (HRI) in the United Kingdom, has just been published in the Winter 2023 edition of Montréal en santé magazine,Montréal en santé is distributed, amongst other things, in the health network in Montreal and throughout Quebec and in the general public. To consult the article on pages 12 & 13, on which “homeopathy is addressed in the integrative approach of health and vision of diseases”, and the edition in its entirety:


Homeopathy and the Microbiome: A Conversation with Dr. Ronald Whitmont

By Alan Cassels I spoke to Dr. Ronald Whitmont in mid-January from his country house nestled in the...

Homeopathy in Agriculture: An interview with Dr. Leonardo Faedo at Coventry University

This conversation took place on 27 Nov 2024 and has been edited for clarity andconciseness.By Alan...

Research in Agroecology & Agrohomeopathy: Introducing the Work of Dr. Leonardo Faedo

Dr. Leonardo Faedo will be presenting a talk as part of our research webinar series entitled...

“Uh, have you actually read the research?”

A Profile of Dr. Jennifer Jacobs Presenter for CCFH’s October 23, 2024 research webinar By Alan...

Who We Are

The Canadian Coalition of Homeopathy is passionate about Homeopathy and advocating for patients to...

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